Here’s Your Reminder
We’re all learning, relearning, and trying to figure it out. We are better and stronger together when we share the lessons we have learned and help guide others. Here are some of mine.
Run To Not From: Mind Movement Training Program
8 years of diligent work on my mental health, I realized I did not know what it felt like to be physically healthy at the same time as being mentally healthy. Working on my physical health was easier for me than facing myself and tackling my mental struggles. However, I found that when I was working simultaneously on my mental and physical health, it was not so easy anymore. The combination of the two had me recognize everything in my life I wanted to run from, or rather avoid. My shadow side became brighter, and I could not ignore all that I was used to. I realized, that taking action to have a better life for myself, came with pointing the finger inward, looking at myself, and being brutally honest with the woman looking back at me in the mirror.
Comfort in Discomfort
Our comfort zones are comfortable. To step out of your comfort zone creates a disruption in a pattern and the habits you mastered. But if you stay tucked away in your comfort zone, how do you expect ever to receive anything new?
To Feel Alive
To feel your heart beating out of your chest, is a reminder that you are alive.
Patience: A Virtue and a Freaking Mountain
Slow is faster, and fast is slower. Are you embracing your present? Or are you consumed with your past, or worry about the future?
Back To The Basics
To heal something is not to put it away and forget about it forever. It is the practice of creating and recreating a strong foundation, to help you get back on track when life throws you unexpected surprises.