Run To Not From Program
For runners of all levels, the Run To Not From training program is designed to coach your mind and your body to take either your first race or hundredth race - or even to start running, learn how to train your mind as a muscle and use it to help with the physical aspect of the run.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Meet Jackie
Meet Jackie ~
I lead to inspire and motivate by creating a space to enhance your self-awareness while guiding you to your most authentic, abundant, and healthy life.
I construct a space for you to feel and recognize the depth of your life’s purpose through listening to your intuition, allowing you to connect with your higher self and true desires while eliminating self-judgment.
Through personalized attention and connection, I value creating strong partnerships by acting as a mirror for your Higher Self to reflect on you. I encourage you to lead with your heart, step into gratitude, listen, and rely solely on yourself to live a life of peace and acceptance - the life you are destined to live.
I know the answers you seek rely within YOU, and through working together to unfold the process of self-discovery, we can bring the answers you seek to light.
What you’ll gain
You'll learn to see discomfort as a chance for growth, finding reassurance in leaving your comfort zone. This perspective will empower you to pursue your loftiest goals and embrace change. You'll cultivate a deep belief in yourself, knowing that you can overcome any obstacle if you set your mind to it. Additionally, you'll embrace the idea that everything happens for a reason, which will help you maintain patience and resilience during frustrating or confusing situations. Looking back, you'll realize that these experiences were precisely what you needed to progress toward becoming your best self.
You'll cultivate the ability to ignore external distractions and focus on your inner objectives, allowing you to take action and overcome any adversity.
You'll realize that everything in life, including pain, is temporary. This understanding will help you cherish each moment with gratitude and perceive life's challenges as lessons intended to guide you. You'll recognize that every painful experience directs you toward a purpose bigger than yourself. By embracing self-love and extending grace to yourself, you'll navigate your journey with greater ease.
A deeper understanding that your goals and aspirations depend entirely on your efforts. You'll recognize that no one else can do the work for you, setting goals that surpass the distractions surrounding you. Your goal must be worth the moment of discomfort for a lifetime of joy. This realization will elevate your awareness of the present, enabling you to view things from a fresh perspective. You'll prioritize yourself, establish healthy boundaries, and consistently show up for yourself with integrity.
Course FAQ
I found that running came natural to me. As I got older, and my life was filled with more responsibility, it was harder for me to get into the groove of running. The mind portion helps you get out of your mind, release anxieties / to-do lists, etc., and get into a meditative flow-like state through body movement. This process also is able to show you how connected both your mind and your body are. When you strengthen both together, watch how the world unfolds for you!
Yes! This course is for runners of all stages. Running is a self vs. self sport. It forces you to be alone with yourself, and push through your own mental barriers. This course is designed to help you start running for the first time in your life, or if you have already been a runner, and are just looking to enhance your performance and grow.
Yes, along with the mind-training program, depending on what your ideal running schedule looks like, a custom running training schedule will be crafted to fit you. Everyone is different, the same goes for training schedules.