Roll the Tape Back…

My journey began with two aspects: My mental and physical health. Both, I knew were important but I never realized how important the two were to each other until I used both simultaneously.

After acknowledging my desire to get more out of life and be healthier, the tough pill to swallow followed: the desire alone was not enough. I needed to make the conscious choice to change and the continuous effort of action to implement the change into my day-to-day life. This meant saying goodbye to unhealthy relationships, jobs, places, habits, you name it!

I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression at age 13. I remember asking my therapist at the time, “Ok, so how do I cure this?” She looked at me with soft eyes and said, “There is no cure, but medication can help.”

I felt frozen in time at that moment, thinking, “Am I going to be ‘sick’ forever?” I could not accept that there would be no cure or solution and that medication was going to be something I HAD to take every day. I was determined to find an outlet to let my mind rest and my body release all the tension and frustration I had accumulated thus far. Running and exercise became my saving grace and ultimately saved my life!

Fast forward to seven years later, at the beginning of 2020, right before COVID-19, I tried to take my own life. From 2019 to 2020, I stopped running as much and moved my body in due to moving out of my childhood home at 19 years old and embarking on a new life in Florida, trying to support myself and make ends meet. Let’s just say it did not take me long to realize why it wasn’t typical to sign a lease for your apartment at 19 years old. Life got overwhelming quickly, to say the least, and it felt like I was the 13-year-old sitting in a therapist’s chair again being told, “There is no cure for your anxiety.” I victimized myself and blamed others for the way my life was unfolding. I could not understand why anxiety or life was “happening to me.”

This experience made me realize I am here for a higher purpose. I am meant to help people who have been in my shoes. I became determined to make a better life for myself. I began working on my physical and mental health simultaneously and learning how to use the two together to strengthen myself as a WHOLE person.

I became the CEO of my life by taking control and responsibility for my actions and life.

My story has led me to be who I am today. I aim to help others confront the aspects of themselves that they wish to avoid, enhance their self-awareness by connecting their mind and body, and learn to work on the two together. Ultimately, I want to help people use their minds and bodies in coherence to step into their most powerful and authentic selves.

I stopped being the VICTIM of my life and became the CEO.

My Intention For You:

I lead to inspire and motivate by creating a space to enhance your self-awareness while guiding you to your most authentic, abundant, and healthy life.

I construct a space for you to feel and recognize the depth of your life’s purpose through listening to your intuition, allowing you to connect with your higher self and true desires while eliminating self-judgment.

Through personalized attention and connection, I value creating strong partnerships by acting as a mirror for your Higher Self to reflect on you. I encourage you to lead with your heart, step into gratitude, listen, and rely solely on yourself to live a life of peace and acceptance - the life you are destined to live.

I know the answers you seek rely within YOU, and through working together to unfold the process of self-discovery, we can bring the answers you seek to light.


  • Ally

    Jackie helped me when I was running my first half marathon. I was so nervous and didn’t believe I could do it when I first signed up. With Jackie’s support and guidance I grew to belive I could. Her approach is helpful because she is nurturing yet direct, and she helped push me to the finish line.

  • Ben

    I feel strong not only physically and when I work out, but mentally. My entire life changed, and even my relationships grew.

  • Jessica

    Jackie helped me develop my self awareness and helped me to be ale to trust myself in decision making without judgement.”

  • Sarah

    I contacted Jackie because I wanted to start running. She made the start of my running career feel exciting and less intimidating. From never running more than 1 mile, I just signed up for my first 10k, and will be using the program again!

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