Roll the Tape Back…

My wellness journey began with two aspects: My mental and physical health. Both, I knew were important but I never realized how important the two were to each other until I used both simultaneously.

After acknowledging my desire to get more out of life and be healthier, the tough pill to swallow followed: the desire alone was not enough. I needed to make the conscious choice to change and the continuous effort of action to implement the change into my day-to-day life. This meant saying goodbye to unhealthy relationships, jobs, places, habits, you name it!

In the earlier years of my life, I did not believe in myself.

I could not picture myself achieving half of all I dreamt of despite feeling that I was meant for more. What a contradiction!

Physical movement and exercise have helped me in every area of life. After a lifelong battle with anxiety and depression, it’s even been something that has saved my life.

Deciding I wanted more for myself and out of life presented me with the opportunity to take action and work diligently on my mental health. Once I reached a healthy mental state, I realized that I never felt physically and mentally healthy at the same time. I neglected to realize that working on both simultaneously would allow me to become stronger as a whole.

My first half marathon was perfect for combining mental and physical training. I trained my mind to believe in myself so deeply that the fatigue that would inevitably fill my legs throughout the race, along with other distractions in my day-to-day life, would stand no chance of taking me down. Giving up on either part of myself was not an option.

For the first time, I found myself believing in myself after seeing not only the physical results but also the mental results of clarity that came with this challenge. I defeated my odds.

Combining my physical training with my mental training allowed me to see what exactly I had been running “from” (or rather avoiding) in my life. After acknowledging this, I realized the significant benefit of deciding to no longer avoid aspects of myself but rather see them for what they are and tackle them head-on. This allowed me to begin the true healing journey my body craved.

My Intention For You:

I lead to inspire and motivate by creating a space to enhance your self-awareness while guiding you to your most authentic, abundant, and healthy life. I construct a space for you to feel and recognize the depth of your life’s purpose through listening to your intuition, allowing you to connect with your higher self and true desires while eliminating self-judgment. Through personalized attention and connection, I value creating strong partnerships by acting as a mirror for your Higher Self to reflect on you. I encourage you to lead with your heart, step into gratitude, listen, and rely solely on yourself to live a life of peace and acceptance - the life you are destined to live. I know the answers you seek rely within YOU, and through working together to unfold the process of self-discovery, we can bring the answers you seek to light.


  • Elizabeth M

    Jackie has lit up my world. With her mindful insights and her direct delivery, I’ve reached new levels with my business and relationships. I am so grateful for her and her guidance.

  • Ben S.

    I feel in control of my life, and grateful each day knowing how I contribute. Jackie helped me gain new perspectives on everything around me.

  • Jessica F

    Jackie helped me develop my self awareness and helped me to be ale to trust myself in decision making without judgement.”

  • Sarah L

    I’ve been able better manage my time, and prioritize urgent tasks over non urgent tasks. Now each day I make time for myself, and feel happier all around.




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