Comfort in Discomfort
Our comfort Zone is COMFORTABLE.
This might sound too obvious, but think about it. Getting out of your comfort zone disrupts your daily habits or patterns. Imagine a hula hoop moving swiftly around your waist in a circular, smooth motion. What if you wanted to change the direction of the circles? The hula hoop would have to drop to the floor, and you would have to pick it up and create a circular motion in the opposite direction. At first, it can seem a little uncomfortable because you have gotten so comfortable spinning the hula hoop in the other direction. But before you know it, the hoop begins to hula! Ha!
To get out of your comfort zone is to let go of the known, the predictable, the routine, and yes—the comfort. For me, I wanted to stay tucked away in my comfort zone for as long as I could. Even when I saw it no longer serving me, it was still all I knew.
Releasing control and taking a leap of faith into the abyss can feel cold, foreign, and scary at first. But what makes any transition easier is always having comfort in who you are and what you want and faith in something bigger than you. This helps present a peaceful knowing that everything always works out, sometimes even better than you imagined.
When you surrender and release control, this brings you to new depths of yourself and takes A LOT of pressure off your back. And babe, you have the squat rack to put pressure on your back - you don’t need the world's weight.
This then omits the feeling of “I have to do everything on my own.” Our purpose is bigger than us, and sometimes, to find it - or another one of our purposes (a deeper purpose), we must surrender to the unfolding process and the unknown. We must release what has kept us tucked away and comfortable for so long so we can learn and explore new avenues about who we are and what we truly desire. There’s a reason you don’t sleep in a twin-size bed as a fully grown adult - you outgrew it!
The key to all of this, however, is taking action. What would your Higher Self tell you to do today?